6 Lifestyle Changes to Beat Depression

6 Lifestyle Changes to Beat Depression

We live in a society where we are currently being ruled by social media. We’ve mistaken connecting on line with real connection. We think busy is better, so we figure out how to do more on less; less time, less food and less human interaction. When we do get...


I’ve heard Deepak Chopra say this: “You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes every day, unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.” Are you laughing? I am! O.o Hey! It’s a busy time of year, isn’t it? Gotta be here, go there, do this, do that, run...
Loneliness is a Feeling Not a Fact!

Loneliness is a Feeling Not a Fact!

As human beings we were designed to travel in packs. We weren’t meant to navigate this world alone. However, there are times when our circumstances make us FEEL like we are alone. The operative word is FEEL. For example, many stay at home moms experience the...
Mental Fitness Is A Lifestyle

Mental Fitness Is A Lifestyle

The official launch of Let’s Get Mentally Fit was about a year ago. As a matter of fact, we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary on October 18, 2015. During this time, I’ve had a chance to speak with many people about mental fitness; their belief...
Life Rawks!

Life Rawks!

So my friend’s grand-dog is so irresistibly cute that I had to share him with everyone! I mean, dogs in general are happy… but this little guy? Whoa! It’s like, he’s MADE of happiness! Do you ever wish that you could feel that way? So carefree, so gosh darned HAPPY?...
The College Transition

The College Transition

I just dropped my firstborn off at college this past week. Before last Thursday, the idea of dropping him off to fend for himself (at least that’s how I viewed it) was just that…an idea. Although I knew it was just around the corner, it wasn’t real...