
This is the time of year when everyone starts making and almost immediately breaking those New Year’s resolutions. Many vow to lose weight. Some just want to eat better and others want to be more spiritual. Personally, I’m not a fan of resolutions. Although I think the start of the new year is a great time to decide to make some changes in your life, resolutions feel like diet fads to me. You start off really well for the first week or so, beat yourself up for not sticking to it, and then forget about it altogether. Making gradual lifestyle changes is much more doable and you don’t beat yourself up for breaking a resolution. Instead, you just make a promise to yourself to do better next time. My personal promise is to continue to move toward my best self.  Personal promises are more like a state of being instead of a one time act. So in 2016, I promise to just be…

BE GRATEFUL. I promise to be more grateful for every little thing that makes me happy. My 5 year old’s funny jokes; The morning “I love you” text messages from my husband; the deep conversations with my 18 year old; playing words with friends; visits with old friends; alone time; time with family (no matter how crazy they are); an encouraging email; sunshine; and breath are some of the things I will try not to take for granted.

BE PATIENT. I personally promise to be more patient…with myself. This is hard for many people. For some reason, we are really good at putting effort into being patient with others, but we are so much harder on ourselves. I promise to be more patient, loving and forgiving to and of myself.

BE MINDFUL. I promise to try to stop living in the past or anticipating the future and instead, practice living in the moment. I promise to observe my thoughts without judgment and practice mindfulness.

BE FAITHFUL. Because God is part of my mental fitness plan and A place where I find hope, I personally promise to work on increasing my faith in Him. Through personal devotions, fellowship and church, I will make a concerted effort to turn to Him instead of away from Him when I experience the inevitable life challenges.

BE POSITIVE. With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s easy to develop a cynical heart. I promise to myself to try to see the good in everything and be more optimistic. I promise to laugh more and work harder to see the positives in others and myself. If we all work just as hard to point out positivity instead of hanging on to negativity, our minds, thoughts and actions will be much better off.

BE HEALTHY. I promise to continue to eat healthier, exercise regularly, get an adequate amount of sleep and surround myself with  people who support my ability to be my best self.

How do you plan to BE in 2016? What promises will you make to yourself to gradually implement a physically, emotionally and mentally healthy lifestyle in your life in 2016? How will you honor the promises you make to yourself?