
It’s crazy how someone can set their eyes on fame and not even realize how “sick” it can make you. I’ve heard so many people say things like, “I just want to sing”, “I just want people to hear my music”, “I just want to act” and “I don’t even care about the fame or the money.” It’s not until they are submerged in the world of fame before realize that fame can make you sick, both literally and figuratively. It’s both contagious and addictive, and if one is not careful, its effects can mirror an infectious disease. That disease can spread like wildfire and ultimately affects those around you even if their intention is not to be famous.

Fame is not glamorous! Fame is not easy to handle.  FAME CAN MAKE YOU SICK! It can disgusts you to be around people who are continually consumed by material things and power. By that same token, you can disgust yourself when you become one of those people. When people only aspire to be famous instead of simply being successful, they lose perspective and become consumed by the “disease” of fame. When you become swallowed up by fame, it’s so easy to lose yourself. You must make sure that your feet are firmly rooted in the foundation of reality or the fame disease can literally take you out. Whether it’s through addiction to alcohol, sex or drugs or a moment of bad judgment that ends fatally; fame is so powerful, if left untamed.

The question, however, is how can one still achieve their goals/desires in the public eye without allowing the fame to suck them in? Is it even possible to achieve success in this day and age, especially with the advent of social media, and not be famous? Social media is like the drug that fame feeds off of. With a click of a button [Enter], people can infect someone’s life as that someone gets more and more addicted to the disease of fame. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other social media outlets now allow us to build someone up and/or tear them down with the click of a button. It’s a shame that many use their powers for evil instead of good; not realizing how destructive and even fatal it can be once they press that button [Enter]. As a blogger myself and someone who has created a very public platform, there are things that I know I must do to keep things in perspective, retain my power and keep my eye focused on my overall goal and not on everything else that may or may not come with it. Check out my list below.

Don’t Overschedule. I’ve learned that I cannot do everything and when I try, it’s a destructive path for me. I’ve said no to many more speaking engagements that didn’t fit my schedule than I’ve said yes to. While I want to help continue my mission of changing the perception of being proactive about taking care of your mind, I won’t do it at my own expense. With all intents of purpose, I’m intentional about practicing what I teach.

Keep Good People Around You. Sometimes, I tend to get ahead of myself and my goals and dreams become WAY bigger than me. At those times, I’m so grateful for friends and family who reel me back in. My husband might say, “Angel (that’s what he calls me), remember to take care of your own mental fitness.” He might also stop me if I have been working all day and encourage me to take a walk or just watch something silly with him. One of my sister-friends, Diane, might say something like, “Hey, I think you might be doing too much. I think you should slow down.” My high school friend, Trina might say, “Remember, we are going to work smarter, not harder and practice what we teach. I won’t allow you to compromise your own mental fitness for the sake of the world’s.” And if by chance I have gone too far off the deep end, I can always email, text or call our campaign psychiatrist who will say, “Ok, where did you get off track with your own mental fitness plan? Let’s get you back on track.” Keeping a good support system of great people in your life is essential to maintaining balance and perspective as you reach for your stars.

Positive Affirmations. I read my positive affirmations on a daily basis. I also practice positive self-talk, do a daily devotion, meditation and prayer. For me, this helps me to always remember who I am, no matter what anyone says. When you are even slightly in the public eye or vulnerable enough to be transparent with your truth, you open yourself up to the opinions and negativity of many. Being intentional about being positive is essential.

Mental Fitness Plan. I am intentional about following my mental fitness plan which includes, regular exercise, eating healthy, daily laughter, family time, an adequate amount of sleep, forgiving myself, loving myself and reducing my exposure to negative people as much as possible. People who are really in the public eye (I’m certainly not on that level) really need to develop a great mental fitness plan with a great psychiatrist or therapist and follow it.

Know Yourself. I don’t care if you have the best of intentions as a blogger, writer, singer, actress, athlete…everyone is going to have an opinion of you. Whether they have all the facts or not, people will come for you and you will drive yourself crazy trying to defend the irrational and frivolous opinions of others. Don’t do it! It’s more important to know yourself than to spend time trying to defend yourself. Once you are really in tune with who you are,  the opinions of others will matter less and less.

Whether you’re partly or fully submerged in the public eye, famous or just teetering on the edge of fame or a person who has difficulty digesting the negativity of others, the above-mentioned tips will hopefully help you maintain balance, keep it all in perspective and remember who you are.

Be Well,
