
Power is a difficult thing to define. Many see it as some negative, overly authoritative dictatorship that mean people only use for evil. Because society perceives it that way, it’s hard for many of us to admit, own or take pride in the fact that we all have much more power than we think we do. For that reason, when we FEEL like we have no control, we ASSUME that means we have absolutely no power. So not true! Hear me when I say:

Even when you FEEL like you have no control, you STILL have power.

No matter what negativity you are dealing with, you still have power over your choices and your responses to that negativity. Below is how you can reclaim your power, even if you FEEL you have no control.

Silence. Many times silence can be a great response to people who are attempting to pull you into their negativity. Learn to state your position with clarity and then zip it. Don’t be pulled into a verbal tug of war – that takes away your power.

Focus on what you can do. When dealing with negative situations or circumstances many of us only focus on the things we cannot control. Shift your focus and focus on things you CAN control – that gives you your power back.

Refuel. When we feel like our circumstances have taken our power the first thing we do is neglect ourselves. This is the time, however, when you should be refueling by indulging in self-care. Take a walk everyday, a hot bubble bath at night or a Zumba class just for you. Refueling gives you the energy to effectively and appropriately deal with your circumstances. Neglecting yourself takes away your power.

Only use your powers for good. Many times when we feel under attack we want to attack back. It’s a common response, but not always the correct one. This is when all of the above are important. Remember to be silent when you need to, focus on what you can do and refuel. Using your powers for evil only makes you feel worse in the end and ultimately more out of control. Not to mention, that our focus becomes “controlling” the other person instead of ourselves. Focus on YOU and only use your powers for good – that gives you your power back.

Remember, even when you feel as if you have no control, you always have power over your choices and your responses. Don’t give your power away by allowing a negative situation, negative person or negative circumstance to define your choice or response.

Be Well,
