Our Blog

Dairy-Free Raspberry Granola Bars

Dairy-Free Raspberry Granola Bars

Because I know that what we eat largely contributes to how we feel, I have been on a quest to find healthy, but tasty food options for my family. After school snack options are the most challenging. Most of them are processed with too much sugar and not enough...

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Overly Critical Parent Part II

Overly Critical Parent Part II

In my first article about overly critical parents I talked about the consequences and long-term effects of being an overly critical parent or a child of an overly critical parent. In this article I will discuss how to avoid being a critical parent. Most of the time, I...

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Angela’s Fitness Journey and Tips

Angela’s Fitness Journey and Tips

How long have you been on your health and fitness journey and why did you get started? First, I would like to say hello and Happy New Year to all who visits this site! I’m very excited to be a part of your health and fitness journey and I hope my writings will...

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Delicious Turkey Meatballs

Delicious Turkey Meatballs

I consider myself a pretty healthy eater, but I must admit sometimes it can get kind of boring. I feel like I eat the same things over and over and over again. So lately, I've been on a quest to expand my family's healthy eating options. Last night I made these...

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Motherhood vs. Womanhood

Motherhood vs. Womanhood

This is my first post of 2016 and I can't think of a better way to kick off the  new year than to talk about what many women love, but fear simultaneously - motherhood. For many, motherhood is a joyous occasion; an opportunity to create a tiny human being, enjoy...

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