Food and Mood

Food and Mood

How can our diet support our brain’s ability to do its best job? This is the question that Dr. Harrison posed in our October webinar on Food and Mood. I think every participant wanted to shout for joy when she said that your diets should definitely consist of...
Social Media Shut Down

Social Media Shut Down

It has often been said that social media can be a blessing and a curse. Social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and Instagram were supposedly created to bring us all closer together. Family is able to keep in touch with out of state relatives. Friends...
Read. Watch. Listen.

Read. Watch. Listen.

I’m always talking about a mental fitness plan; a daily guide that helps you build your life in a way that supports your ability to be your best self. Every family member in my house has one that is uniquely designed to their age, schedule and mental fitness...
Mental Fitness Is A Lifestyle

Mental Fitness Is A Lifestyle

The official launch of Let’s Get Mentally Fit was about a year ago. As a matter of fact, we will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary on October 18, 2015. During this time, I’ve had a chance to speak with many people about mental fitness; their belief...
Life Rawks!

Life Rawks!

So my friend’s grand-dog is so irresistibly cute that I had to share him with everyone! I mean, dogs in general are happy… but this little guy? Whoa! It’s like, he’s MADE of happiness! Do you ever wish that you could feel that way? So carefree, so gosh darned HAPPY?...