Anxiety Anonymous

Anxiety Anonymous

I recently wrote a Facebook posts about how using the word combinations “mental health” or “mental illness” can be compared to the feeling you get when you watch a horror film. Absolutely no one wants to use those words because society has...
You Still Have Power

You Still Have Power

Power is a difficult thing to define. Many see it as some negative, overly authoritative dictatorship that mean people only use for evil. Because society perceives it that way, it’s hard for many of us to admit, own or take pride in the fact that we all have...
Mental Fitness Reboot

Mental Fitness Reboot

What comes to your mind when you think about being a healthier, happier person?  For me, it all starts in my head and where my thinking resides.  Am I battering myself by “allowing” negative self talk? Am I “allowing” my inner critic to consume my attitude toward...

Healthy Friendships Healthy Support

I found this awesome article on one of my favorite blogs,  and I thought it was so fitting for the topic of mental fitness. As we continue to create awareness during mental health fitness month, the topic of teaching friendship should be at the top...
Be Kinder To Yourself

Be Kinder To Yourself

    You might ask how someone would get to a point where they would actually need to be kinder to themselves?  For example, as women, we tend to judge ourselves way too hard.  We set our expectations way too high in many areas of our lives and when we...
5 Lessons of Postpartum Depression

5 Lessons of Postpartum Depression

While enduring probably the most painful part of my life (postpartum depression), I had a lot of time to reflect and try to understand the lessons life was teaching me at that moment. It’s so difficult to find purpose through pain, but I managed to do so. Below...