Life Is a Project

Life Is a Project

It’s so crazy how humans always focus on the destination instead of the journey. Admittedly, I am guilty of doing this as well. I guess it’s because I’m human :-) I am a solution-focused, project oriented type of person. This means that if I have an...
Tips For The Anxious Person

Tips For The Anxious Person

Someone posted an article on Facebook the other day regarding tips for dealing with people who have anxiety. Among them were things like: don’t get frustrated, don’t take things personally, offer to be there for them when they need you, don’t guilt...
The College Transition

The College Transition

I just dropped my firstborn off at college this past week. Before last Thursday, the idea of dropping him off to fend for himself (at least that’s how I viewed it) was just that…an idea. Although I knew it was just around the corner, it wasn’t real...
Fame Can Make You Sick

Fame Can Make You Sick

It’s crazy how someone can set their eyes on fame and not even realize how “sick” it can make you. I’ve heard so many people say things like, “I just want to sing”, “I just want people to hear my music”, “I just...